Great for Burls or Crotch Veneers
Works for flatteneing as well as relaxing
Helps prevent splitting and cracking
Brush on or spray on
When working with raw wood veneers, it is essential to ensure that the sheets are both flat and flexible to achieve optimal results. Veneers that are too dry or have developed
ripples are more prone to cracking during the pressing process, compromising the final appearance and structural integrity. To prevent these issues, it is recommended to properly
condition the veneer with V-Flex veneer softener.
Additionally, applying raw veneers to curved or contoured surfaces—such as raised panel doors—requires special care. Veneers that lack adequate flexibility will struggle to conform
to the shape, leading to fractures or separation, particularly in areas with tight curves or bends. Using V-Flex veneer softener will help eleminate these problems.
VKS 1/2 Gallon Veneer Softner- $47